Community Development

Community Mobilization

Our Corporation strives to create community and economic development opportunities that improve the quality of life in our region. We work closely with our communities and other partners to assess local challenges to growth and identify new opportunities to strengthen local economies. Based on each community’s unique circumstances, we assist in designing and implementing development strategies that move our area towards a brighter future.

Our Community Development Office provides important services to our communities and local organizations that include:

  • Strategic planning
  • Group facilitation
  • Problem solving
  • Decision making
  • Consensus building

Project Development

We assist our communities and organizations to achieve their development goals by providing guidance and support for relevant projects that have the potential to create economic benefit. The following are services that our Community Development Office can provide:

Identify and define potential projects.•
Identify other community, regional, private sector or government partners who can contribute to the project’s success.•
Provide project management guidance.•
Investigate funding opportunities and, in some cases, assist with proposal development.•

Our Corporation will also provide administrative and technical support for regional or community projects that contribute significantly to the economic development potential of our area.

Access to Funding

Resources that are available to assist with community development projects include:

  • Directories and databases containing private sector, government and charitable foundation funding partners.
  • Federal and Provincial government funding literature.
  • Fund-raising information.

Our Loans & Project Officer will assist project sponsors to identify and access funding resources from government and community partners to support their community economic development initiatives.