
Working together to serve you better


FedNor’s mission is to promote economic growth, diversification, job creation and sustainable, self-reliant communities in Northern Ontario, by working with community partners and other organizations to improve small business access to capital, information & markets.

Ontario Community Futures Development Corporations

Community Futures Development Corporations (CFDC’s) support community economic development by assisting Ontario’s rural and northern communities to strengthen and diversify their economies.


Canada-Ontario Business Service Centre

The Canada-Ontario Business Service Centre (COBSC) provides access to accurate, timely and relevant information on federal and provincial business-related programs, services and regulations. The COBSC is jointly managed by Industry Canada and the Ontario Ministry of Consumer and Business Services.

Enterprise Temiskaming

Services and resources at the Enterprise Centre are geared to new and existing entrepreneurs in the district of Temiskaming. The office provides experienced general business consultants, publications and brochures that cover everything from preparing a business or marketing plan, record keeping, finance options and government assistance programs, as well as private sector resources.


Kirkland Lake & District Chamber of Commerce

The Kirkland Lake and District Chamber of Commerce is dedicated to the development of the North and promoting and improving trade, commerce and the economic, civic and social welfare of the District.

Temiskaming Development Fund Corporation

Temfund is an aggressive, yet selective lender to new and existing businesses and tourism related organizations within the District of Temiskaming.


Black-River Matheson Chamber of Commerce

The objective of the Black River-Matheson Chamber of Commerce shall be to promote and improve trade and commerce and the economic, civic and social welfare of the township of Black River-Matheson.

Northern Ontario Heritage Fund Corporation

This program financial assistance is provided by Northern Ontario Heritage Fund Corporation (NOHFC) for Small Business Start-up Projects for new businesses in Northern Ontario. This program is for specified business sectors.


Aboriginal Business Contribution Program

ABCP is an equity program for Aboriginal entrepreneurs and business operating in Northern Ontario. These contributions are generally non-repayable. Individual Aboriginal entrepreneurs may receive up to $99,999 in funding assistance. For community-owned businesses, this assistance can vary to a maximum of 249,999.


NEOnet’s broadband for E-Business and Marketing (BEAM) program has assisted more then 300 northeastern Ontario small businesses improve their operations by providing financial assistance for developing E-business solutions.


Entrepreneurs Francophone Plus

The project allows Francophone private sector entrepreneurs to benefit from additional funds available through 2 programs: Vision + and Youth Internship.

Paro Centre

PARO Centre for Women’s Enterprise is one of Canada’s most successful business support and networking organizations. As a not-for-profit social enterprise, we collaborate to empower women, strengthen small business and promote community economic development across the North of Ontario.


Aboriginal Business Service Network

The ABSN is a non-profit society under the BC societies act and was implemented following a regional research study (Gap Analysis) titled “Assessing the Business Information Needs of Aboriginal Entrepreneurs in B.C.”

Leadership Entrepreneurial

Leadership entrepreneurial pour les francophones is an initiative funded by FedNor and the CSCDGR to support the economic recovery of businesses in the Timiskaming District.
